Welcome to Swiftcubing.com, website of Charlie Eggins, an Australian Speedcuber. There are plenty of places to go from here.
- You can go to my fantastic merch shop (it stocks a heap of speedcubing designs).
- You can visit my socials.
- You can donate to help me get to competitions
- You can begin to learn to solve a rubiks cube yourself (with the “bunny methods” tutorials.
Links to all that and more are below.

Shop SwiftCubing Merch
thecubicle.com (use code “swiftcubing” for a discount!)

BUNNY METHOD – Learn to solve a rubiks cube. Video and image tutorial available!

SwiftCubing’s fun little web game that gives an opportunity for YouCubers communities to go head to head in the quest for BirdCubing Glory!
Check out the Trailer Here.
Swift Solves Ahead!